Fulfilling the requirements for a minor is an option for students who want to document abilities in an academic field in addition to their major(s). A minor program consists of a set of courses that are defined as a minor by an academic department or program. A minor encompasses at least 12 and at most 18 credits. It is left to the decision of individual departments or programs whether they offer a set of courses leading to a minor. Interdisciplinary minors may be established between two or more departments.
In order to graduate with a minor in a specific field, a student must maintain a grade point average of at least 2.0 in the courses taken in that field. Minors require that at least one half of the credits be taken at Hunter College. Courses from the minor may be used without limit to satisfy Hunter Core Requirements as well as Writing and Pluralism & Diversity requirements.
To declare or change a minor, a student should print a Minor Declaration Approval form at registrar.hunter.cuny.edu/subpages/forms.shtml and confer with an adviser in the minor department. In general, courses may not be shared between a major and a minor.
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