Business Licensing

Anyone who owns or operates a business within South Salt Lake City limits must obtain a business license prior to conducting business. Our division ensures that all businesses operating within the City are properly licensed, adhering to city standards, and meeting county/state requirements.

What We Do

At the Business Licensing Division, we accept and process applications for business licenses from business owners. Whether you are an established business hoping to open a new location in SSL, or you are launching a new venture, we will review your application and ensure you comply with City codes.

Business licenses are only valid for the address on the application. A change in location requires re-application for licensure. Multiple locations require a separate license and application for each location.

If you have questions relating to the submission of your application, please email

License Renewal

All licenses must be renewed on an annual basis.

How to Pay for a Business License Renewal

All payments must include a renewal notice or account number. If you have any questions about renewal payments please contact the department.

If you are a landlord, consider enrolling in our Good Landlord Program.

How to Apply for a Business License