SEEK Admissions


Students are eligible for the SEEK Program only as a first-time freshman or as a transfer from another New York State higher educational opportunity program (i.e. College Discovery at another unit of CUNY or an Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) in the State University of New York (SUNY) or a Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) in a private institution in the state of New York.)

To qualify for admission to City College through SEEK, students must meet both specific academic and income requirements. The academic requirements vary depending on the division (i.e. Liberal Arts, Science, Education) or professional school (Architecture, Engineering). Please contact the City College Office of Admissions for more detailed information.

Interested applicants applying as a first-time freshman must complete the CUNY freshman application and be sure to fill out items 20 – 23 which relate to SEEK. Students who are eligible to transfer into the City College SEEK Program must complete and submit the Special Programs Transfer Request form in addition to the CUNY transfer application.

Admission to SEEK is restricted to students from families whose income does not exceed certain New York stat-established limits. The income limits are based on the federal poverty guidelines and are tied to family size. Students who have been conditionally admitted are required to provide proof of family income before their admission can be finalized. The forms that must be submitted can be accessed by clicking here.