(Episode starts with Pops is laughing as he chases a butterfly with a jar. He jumps up into the air, but it keeps on flying. The butterfly lands on a bush. Pops comes up from behind the bush. He's about to catch it when. )
Benson: (off-screen) Come on! You know that's not the way you're supposed to do it!
(The butterfly Pops almost caught flies away. Benson, Mordecai and Rigby are seen by a shrub holding a chainsaw.)
Mordecai: Well, this way is totally faster.
Rigby: Yeah, cuts the time in half.
Benson: (on-screen) But you're actually cutting it in half, you idiots! (The chainsaw fails to start off-screen.) (off-screen) Oh, and great, you managed to break the saw in the process! (Annoyed, Pops walks away) Now we're gonna have to buy a new one!
(Cuts to the garden where Pops is drawing a rose on a notebook. He is on the stem, when. )
Benson: (off-screen) What are you guys doing?! (Pops draws a line in the wrong place) Soda?! (on-screen) You can't use soda!
Mordecai: Yeah, but the hose.
Benson: (on-screen) Oh, what? It's too hard to get the hose off the shed?! (Pops looks on as he draws) (off-screen) Unbelievable!
Rigby: (off-screen) Well, at least it's diet. Nobody drinks that.
Benson: (off-screen) I drink diet! (Pops angrily scribbles his drawing and grunts angrily and walks away in anger and frustration) Not only did you guys ruin the hose.
(Video cuts to Pops in his father's office, playing with army men)
Pops: Okay, men, this is the hour of our prominence. On my signal, charge! Whooaaa.
Benson: (off-screen) You've GOT to be kidding me! (Pops lays back, making a very irritated face expression) (Cut to outside. The golf cart is scratched up, and Mordecai is holding wood) Give me that. What is this, SANDPAPER?! (Looks at cart) You're scratching up the whole thing!
Pops: Benson, (Head is seen coming out of office) would you come see me for a moment please?
Mordecai and Rigby: Awwooohhh, somebody's busted!
Benson: Oh, grow up.
Mordecai and Rigby: (Rapping) B-b-b-busted, Benson's b-b-busted!
(Cut to Mr. Maellard's office)
Benson: (Sighs) What is it, Pops? I'm in the middle of something.
Pops: Have a seat. (Benson sits down and sighs) Do you know why I called you in here?
Benson: Did you lose the colonel again? Try under your hat.
Pops: (Sees colonel under hat, then puts the army men in a drawer) It's a problem concerning Mordecai and Rigby.
Benson: What else is new? Don't worry, Pops. I'll take care of it.
Pops: Then we understand each other?
Benson: Absolutely. I've already warned them—one more screw up, and they're both fired.
Pops: But. Benson, I was referring to you.
Benson: (confused) What?
Pops: I'd like you to stop yelling at Mordecai and Rigby.
Benson: (Scoffs) You're kidding.
Pops: Quite the opposite. It's too negative and bad for morale.
Benson: What morale? Those slackers never do anything unless you yell at them.
Pops: There's never a reason to yell at anyone.
Benson: They give me a million reasons everyday. Pfft, you just want me to be nice to them?
Pops: You don't have to be nice—just don't yell.
Benson: (Sighs) Listen, Pops, I appreciate the concern, but I know how to do my job.
Pops: Benson, I think it's clear that my father puts me in charge of running the park when he's not around, right?
Benson: Yes, but--
Pops: And that means you must do what I say?
Benson: Technically, but I--
Pops: And I am ordering you to stop yelling at Mordecai and Rigby.
Benson: Pops--
Pops: (sternly) Understood?
Benson: . Understood.
(Cut to outside. Benson walks down the stairs to the cart)
Rigby: So what did Pops want?
Benson: Noth-- (Quick zoom out) You guys are STILL NOT-- (Realizes he's angrily yelling, so he talks through his teeth)—guys are still not done?
Mordecai: What? You told us to take it nice and easy.
Rigby: Yeah, I get it now. It takes time to do things right.
Mordecai: You rush, you make mistakes.
Benson: (Face palms) That's not the point I was trying to make.
Mordecai: And then we started thinking—why clean something anyways? Dirt is a natural thing. It's like part of life you know? (Benson furiously turns red and angrily sizzles)
Rigby: Yeah and like, what is a hose? Hose.
Mordecai: Hose.
Rigby: Hose.
Mordecai: Hose. (Benson angrily growls, still red)
Rigby: Yeah, exactly. But when you turn it on. (Accidentally sprays water on Benson which ticks him) . Sorry.
Benson: (Furiously kicks Mordecai and Rigby out of his sight) GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!! (Mordecai and Rigby run away)
Pops: Benson, what did we just discuss?
Benson: Yeah, but come on, Pops. They were totally--
Pops: Benson, I'm serious about this issue. (Then threatens him) Now if you yell at them again, I'm going to have to write you up.
Benson: (Rubs face and angrily growls) Okay, okay. I'll try to get it under control.
(Clock transition to computer room. Benson's on the computer searching "Free anger management tips")
Benson: Recite a personal mantra. Omm? What does that even mean? Next. (Searches again)
Fitch: Oh! Hello, friend. I'm Fitch Munderson. (A dog runs up to him) And this is Kimmy.
Benson: Okay, where's this going? (Fast-forwards the video)
Fitch: We have a sure-fire way to help you control your anger, for only $60.
Benson: Nope. (Searches again while the screen is loading, then clicks several times while the screen is still loading) Ugh, come on! Close! (Growls angrily) Omm. Omm. Omm. Omm. Omm. Omm. (Sighs) Huh. I guess it works.
(Cut to downstairs. The whole place has been torn apart. Mordecai and Rigby are seen searching for something)
Mordecai: Hey, Benson. Have you seen the keys to the cart?
Benson: Omm. Omm. Omm. Omm. Omm. Omm. Omm.
Rigby: We can't find them anywhere. (Breaks vase accidentally) Uh-oh.
(From the window, two people are seen driving the cart)
Mordecai: Never mind. I think I know where they are.
Mordecai & Rigby: AAH! (Run away)
Pops: (infuriated) Benson! I warned you! (Writes on clipboard angrily)
Benson: Pops, you're writing me up?
Pops: You know what happens next, don't you? (Hands Benson the paper angrily)
Benson: Of course—verbal warning, write up, fired. But you wouldn't fire me, Pops.
Pops: I'll do what I must.
Benson: What? Pops, you can't take this job away from me! It's all I have!
Pops: I'm sorry, Benson. (Threatens him again) If you yell at Mordecai and Rigby again, I'll be forced to fire you. (Pops leaves. Benson furiously turns red and angrily begins to jump several times while grunting in anger)
Skips: Jeez, Benson, try counting to ten. (Benson furiously turns around and angrily grunts) Better make it a hundred. (Leaves)
Benson: One, two. (Cut to outside) . seven, eight, nine. (Cuts to near the shed) . 75, 76, 77. (Stops and sees Mordecai and Rigby covered in pink paint laughing)
Mordecai: Oh! Hey, Benson, what's up? We're finally painting the shed. (Rigby throws himself on the wall, followed by Mordecai, who goes through the wall)
Benson: (Turns red and angrily growls) 78, 79, 80, 81.
Rigby: Dude, what's he doing?
Benson: (Continues counting) 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87.
Mordecai: I dunno. But what do you think he'll do when he gets to a hundred?
Mordecai, Rigby, and Benson: . 88, 89, 90, 91. (Benson furiously stops and angrily growls)
Mordecai and Rigby: . 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99.
(Cut to Benson furiously walking into Corners bookstore. Benson angrily puts the Fitch & Kimmy book on the table, leaving a hot handprint. The cashier checks the book, then, Benson angrily walks out as the scene cuts to Benson's apartment, room 1635. Benson inserts the tape into the Walkman and rests)
Fitch: (Over Walkman) The key to managing your anger is control. For example: One should never yell, even if it's to pass the salt.
(Zoom into Benson's eyes. He has a flashback to when he was a little younger and his family was all talking loudly at the dinner table)
Young Benson: Pass the salt, please.
Benson's Father: Quiet! Benson has something he wants to say.
Young Benson: (Embarrassed and blushing) Um, pass--
Benson's Father: Look here, son! You're never gonna get anything in this life if you don't yell for it!
Young Benson: (angrily starts raising his voice) Pass. Pass the salt!
Benson's Dad: Atta boy!
(Benson's dad passes the salt shaker to Benson. Suddenly, an earthquake occurs, showing a giant angry Pops ripping off the roof)
Pops: Benson! You're fired! (Points at Young Benson angrily)
Young Benson: NOOOOOO. (Ripple transition back into Benson in his apartment. Enraged, Benson steps on and angrily throws the Walkman, breaking a portrait. He then violently jumps into the TV, and we cut to outside, still hearing Benson angrily screaming. An easy chair is thrown out and breaks a window and ends up destroyed. Benson looks at himself in the mirror. He's red again)
Benson: Keep it together, Benson. (Looks at the mirror. His eyes are very stressed) You still got a whole day of work left.
(Cut back to the park where Benson is angrily walking and leaving fiery footprints in the ground)
Guy: Hey, buddy, are you okay?
Benson: (Knocks him out of the way violently) I'm fine! Fine.
(Mordecai and Rigby drive fast past Benson in the golf cart. Mordecai is driving blindfolded)
Rigby: Almost the record, almost the record! (They crash into a tree and fall to the grass) Not quite the record.
(Mordecai and Rigby come up to Benson, who is already heated with rage.)
Mordecai: Benson, uh, look, we're sorry, man.
Benson: No.
Rigby: (Worried) Aw, man, here it comes.
Benson: I'm not gonna yell.
Mordecai: Aw, yeah-yuh!
Rigby: Sweet!
Benson: I'm not. gonna. yell.
(Zoom into Benson's head. His gumballs turn a bright orange, then, four gumballs go up in the air, catching on fire, then the rest catch on fire, and the four gumballs spin in a circle. Sparks then appear on Benson's body as he gets more and more angry, but tries not to yell)
Mordecai: Whoa. Benson, are you o-- (Benson becomes an orb of fury, burning all ground around him and sucking in loose objects. He then hovers into the air) What the?
(The ground below crumbles, as Mordecai and Rigby back away. The golf cart flies toward Benson and is destroyed. Skips and Pops come in another golf cart)
Skips: What happened?
Mordecai: I don't know! Benson saw us crash the cart, and instead of laying into us, he said he wasn't gonna yell!
Rigby: And then he turned into that!
(Camera cuts to Benson angry and his orb of fury getting bigger)
Skips: He's holding all of his anger in.
Mordecai: Why would he do that?!
Pops: (Walks in) Because of me!
Mordecai, Rigby, and Skips: What?!
Pops: I told him that if he didn't stop yelling at you two, I would fire him.
Skips: Pops, you can't do that.
Pops: But I am technically his boss.
Skips: Pops, you can't make him bottle up his anger like that. (Turns to Mordecai and Rigby) You gotta get him to yell at you, guys.
Mordecai: Not a problem. Hey, Benson! You're a sorry excuse for a manager!
Rigby: Yeah, you nasal-voiced, loser-loner!
Mordecai: Go back to night school and learn how to have a personality!
Rigby: And guess what! We're the ones who keep sending pizzas to your apartment!
Mordecai: And we're the ones who switched the detergent with coffee. (Orb of anger increases its size) Dude! It's just making it worse! Pops, you have to tell Benson it's okay to yell at us!
Pops: I can't! There's never a reason to yell at people!
Mordecai: Pops! Look around! The park is disintegrating, and Benson's gonna explode!! (Muscle Man flies by in his trailer, screaming and squealing) Pops! Do something!
Pops: Benson, I need you to yell at Mordecai and Rigby!
Benson: But if I yell, you'll fire me.
Pops: Forget what I said, Benson!! If you don't yell at Mordecai and Rigby right now, you're fired!
Benson: (Finally his patience is terminated, Benson angrily opens his menacing eyes and screams furiously, as he unleashes a yellow beam of fury from his mouth which strikes Mordecai and Rigby. In addition, Skips and Pops are blown away due to its sudden power) YOU LAZY, NO-GOOD SLACKERS DRIVE ME NUTS! CAN'T YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME ONCE IN YOUR WORTHLESS LIVES?! 'CAUSE IF YOU DID, YOU'D SEE I'M TRYING TO TEACH YOU SOME SIMPLE RESPONSIBILITY, SOME PRIDE IN DOING A JOB WELL DONE!! (His voice begins breaking) BUT YOU WOULDN'T KNOW A JOB WELL DONE IF YOU PAID SOMEONE TO DO IT FOR YOU, (Tears are streaming and blowing off his face) AND EVEN THEN YOU'D SCREW IT ALL UP ON THE ACCOUNT THAT YOU CAN'T EVEN FOLLOW THE SIMPLEST OF INSTRUCTIONS, WORRYING MORE ABOUT LOOKING COOL THAN DOING YOUR JOB.
(He explodes tremendously. Pan down to the damage done) (Pops and Skips get up. Benson gets up as well, limping while doing so.)
Pops: Benson! Benson, are you alright?
Benson: Yeah, I'm fine. (Remorsefully) Sorry things got so out of control, Pops.
Pops: It was my mistake. From now on, I'll leave park managing to the park manager. (Shakes hands with Benson) Though, I do wish you wouldn't yell at Mordecai and Rigby so much.
Benson: (Happy again) Let me give it a shot. (The trio look down at Mordecai and Rigby) Hey, Mordecai and Rigby. (Mordecai coughs) Clean this mess up, or you're fired. (He, Pops and Skips all laugh. A high pitched noise is heard and the laughter is drowned out, due to Mordecai and Rigby getting deafened by Benson's yelling)
Mordecai: What? (Turns head to Rigby) What are they laughing at?
Rigby: What?
(Mordecai and Rigby confusingly watch at each other as the episode ends.)