If you are dealing with a new customer who wants to establish a line of credit then it is vital that you begin the credit management process at the earliest possible date. Ask for the basic information that you will need in order to assess whether the risk you are taking in providing them with credit is commercially viable.
At Account opening stage the business has three objectives:
1. To establish the correct identity of the customer.
2. To confirm that customer's ability to pay.
3. To agree Trading Terms.
These objectives are not difficult to achieve. A simple Credit Account Application Form can be used to obtain information, and to set out, on the reverse, the supplier's Terms of Trading. By signing the completed Form, the customer provides the information and agrees the Terms.
New Account | Change of Address | Close Account | Change of Title |
To be completed by [Customer] [Supplier/ Sales Representative] Full Legal Title and Trading Name : _________________________________ | |||
Sole Trader | Partnership | LLP (please tick where appropriate) | |
Limited Company | Co. Reg. No. | PLC |
Postcode Phone Number
Statement Address (if same as delivery address, please state)
Postcode Phone Number
Business Activity (please specify __________________________________
Method of Payment :
Cheque | Direct Debit | BACS | Other |
If other please specify: __________________________________
I/We request you to open a Credit Account in the name of:
With a Proposed Credit Limit of: _______________ per month
Including VAT: ______________________________per month
Agreed Credit Period : ________________________days
1. Name __________________________________ Account Number________________
Full Address_____________________________________________________________
2. Name __________________________________ Account Number_______________
Full Address_____________________________________________________________
3. Name __________________________________ Account Number________________
Full Address_____________________________________________________________
Details of Owner/ Partners/ Directors
We have read, understood and retained a copy of your conditions of sale (including the retention of title clause) and agree to trade in accordance with these for any goods supplied. We accept that title to all goods supplied to us will remain vested in [ ] Limited until all amounts outstanding from us on any account have been paid in full to [ ] Limited.
I/We also agree to comply with your settlement terms (specified within your conditions of sale).
I attach a sample of my/ our headed paper with this form.
1. Name __________________________________ Signature______________________
Home Address____________________________________________________________
2. Name __________________________________ Signature______________________
Home Address____________________________________________________________
3. Name __________________________________ Signature______________________
Home Address____________________________________________________________
Customer Visit Report
(to be completed by Supplier/ Sales Representative.)
(This report should contain key information about a prospective new customer i.e. length of time in business, size of business, where they have previously purchased goods from, financial information etc.)